This page is an unofficial site dedicated to Ms. Raica Oliveira. It is
not affiliated in any way with the Brazilian supermodel aforementioned.
All articles, photos, etc. are used without permission of their creators
(who legally hold their respective copyrights). The information presented
here is simply collected from other published sources, such as fashion
magazines and fashion-related web sites. This site is in no way trying
to infringe on the respective copyrights or businesses of these entities.
This is a non-profit site. Nothing contained here may be used for any commercial
gain. Materials may be copyrighted by their respective owners. If you are
the copyright owner of the material and object to its use, please contact
the webmaster . I will remove
it as soon as I can.
Note: This
site has been created and is maintained by inkling816.
Feel free to email me with any suggestions or comments.